Across The Street

Children In Poverty

Children in Poverty (CIP) is an initiative of the American Baptist Churches, USA. It encourages and equips American Baptists to respond to the needs of children in poverty through ministries of caring and prophetic justice.
At First Baptist our CIP Team has helped to raise awareness of children in poverty and has developed year-long strategies to help meet local needs. Recent ministries have included: Keeping Kids Warm, Back-To-School, Bridge of Hope, and The Penny Project.

Dover Interfaith Mission For Housing

The Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing provides shelter and assistance to homeless men in the Dover area. First Baptist provides financial and volunteer support to maintain this emergency shelter throughout the year. Meals are provided for several weeks each year, and special fundraising events have been sponsored by the church.

FBC Food Pantry


The FBC Food Pantry is open two days a week. Working in cooperation with the Williams Service Center, the Pantry provides 5-day emergency food supplies to individuals and families throughout the year. Additionally, the Pantry provides 50 food boxes to families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. The Pantry is stocked through contributions from individuals and churches of the community, as well as an Annual Community Food Drive. The Pantry is staffed by volunteers from the congregation.


Make A Difference Day

Each April volunteers from First Baptist join in partnership with First State RC&D [Resource Conservation & Development] for a day of community service. Work projects are typically home renovations and rebuilds. Recent efforts have included deck, stairway, door, and window replacements. No skill is necessary, as trained supervisors provide on-the-job instruction and direction.
Click here to see pictures of our 2011 Project
Blessings Box
We currently offer a Blessings Box containing food items with pop-top cans or dry food and toiletries for those who are in need of a helping hand.